Private Prosecutions

In recent years, the police has been inundated with reports of serious offences and faces staffing shortages due to financial constraints.

Consequently, it has become increasingly common for the police to forgo investigations into serious crimes, such as fraud or sexual assault, simply due to a lack of resources or specialised expertise. As a result, numerous crime victims find their reports neither investigated nor prosecuted, regardless of the strength of evidence or how clear cut the case may be.

This is where our private prosecutions team can offer assistance. We represent both businesses and individuals who have been the victims of crime. Our services include investigating the crimes committed and bringing these cases before magistrates' and crown courts through what is known as a private prosecution.

Our role involves aiding in the collection of evidence and the preparation of necessary witness statements, initiating the case in the magistrates' court, ensuring the defendant's appearance to answer charges, and facilitating the progression of the case to trial so that the defendant can be tried for the offences committed against the private prosecutor.


  • Member of the Private Prosecutors' Association (PPA)